Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Five-Element Acupuncture Treats the Body, Mind and Spirit

While contemporary acupuncture typically focuses on symptoms, classical five-element acupuncture not only looks beyond symptoms to root causes, but treats the body, mind and spirit in harmony with the laws of nature. Ancient Chinese philosophers identified five laws or elements of nature: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These five elements, present within and around us, must be in balance and flow harmoniously from one to the other in body mind and spirit for optimal health and well-being.

Five-element acupuncture identifies acupuncture points associated with these five elements of nature. Within everybody, one element will go out of balance under stress and affect all the other elements. Because most diseases start on the spirit level and eventually manifest in physical symptoms, the five-element practitioner treats not only the body, but also the mind and spirit. The practitioner focuses on acupuncture points associated with a specific element while providing the spirit with support, thereby treating the whole person.

Five-element acupuncture names points associated with each element. For example, a patient presented with headaches but underlying his symptom was indecisiveness and frustration about not manifesting his dreams. Wood points like Gate of Hope and Yang Mound Spring helped the patient regain hope and clarity and his headaches disappeared. Wood is associated with spring and exuberant growth. It goes with the liver and gall bladder and addresses anger, decision-making, logic, vision and hope. Another patient was feeling isolated and disconnected, unable to give and receive love. The Fire points Inner Frontier Gate and Outer Frontier Gate helped her feel and share the warmth within. Fire goes with summer when nature reaches its full expression. Summer also goes with the warmth and joy we experience when connected to life and others. Physically, fire goes with the heart and small intestine and is associated with sexual hormones and regulating body temperature.

A patient complained of constant hunger, stress and lack of support her marriage. Earth points such as Abundant Splendor helped her experience the richness of earth within her spirit, and Great Enveloping was like a big hug, helping her reconnect with her own internal support. Earth is associated with late summer and the bounty of harvest. A healthy earth element enhances the ability to nourish ones self and others and to feel at home anywhere. Physically the earth element goes with the stomach and spleen. Mentally, it helps digest information. When this element is nourished, we feel relaxed, grounded, stable, and secure.

A constipated patient could not let go on any level and benefited from Great Eliminator. She also could not recognize her own value and needed Heavenly Palace, in order see the richness within herself. Metal is represented by autumn when the trees lose their leaves. Like trees, one needs to let go of past beliefs, plans, and attachments. Physically metal goes with the lungs, large Intestines and the skin. Metal represents what is valuable and precious, like the divine essence within and around us. Metal restores the ability to see beauty within and without.

Five-element acupuncture also identifies many additional points that can be used locally for pain and specific illnesses. But by treating the whole person, the positive qualities of all five elements will interact. Regular treatments of five-element acupuncture typically result in physical health, mental clarity and feelings of well-being, providing the balance needed for increased health and happiness.

Copyright 2006

Article author, Margaret Olmsted L.Ac., M.Ac., is an acupuncturest and a member of the community of healers. Margaret works with people of all ages who want to improve their health in Body, Mind and Spirit and lead healthier, happier and more balanced lives. Based in Los Angeles, offers news and resources to support a holistic lifestyle.Anni Blog40475
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