Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Philadelphia Schools And Privatization Is It A Mistake?

The Philadelphia schools have been contracting out (also called privatization) many schools services to for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations for four years and are entering their fifth.

School Reform Commissioner Daniel Whelan is willing to contract out any service, operational or educational, where there are providers able to meet the Philadelphia schools criteria, according to the Philadelphia Public Schools Notebook, a nonprofit newspaper.

School Reform Commission Chair James Nevels endorses contracting in non-academic areas, because it allows educators to focus on education. The Commission has been mandated to find ways to improve the citys failing schools, which includes contracting out education services. Nevels concedes that such services for the Philadelphia schools have been privatized.

Success of such Philadelphia schools contracts has yet to be determined. Across the nation, privatization of public school services has seen inconsistent results.

Nevels believes that all Philadelphia schools privatization contracts require close oversight, as well as periodically reevaluating where the Philadelphia schools district currently stands is privatization working or isnt it? Effective oversight, however, may not be easy to achieve.

Jeff Henig, professor of political science and education at Columbia University, believes that effective oversight requires strong and capable government. If the Philadelphia schools are under-funded, like many school districts across the nation, they will not have the resources to collect and monitor their own data, leaving them to rely upon the data provided by their contractors. Though, as the number of providers grows, competition generally will ensure good prices, as well as quality services. Henig notes, however, that many of the larger providers have been buying up the smaller ones, increasing their ability to control the market and the competition. Thus, Henig suggests that the Philadelphia schools should limit privatization to short-term projects where an established expertise exists, such as upgrading technology, in order to maintain leverage. He also cautions that the Philadelphia schools also should be wary of losing the capacity to provide any type of service once they do, they are at the mercy of the providers.

Charlene Haar, president of the Education Policy Institute, disagrees. Haar notes that studies have shown that competitive markets really do work for districts like the Philadelphia schools, because businesses look at the bottom line and the quality of services. If either are ignored, another provider will get the contract.

Carol Ascher, researcher at Annenberg Institute at Brown University, raises broader concerns about public school privatization in her book, Hard Lessons: Public schools and Privatization. Ascher believes such outsourcing of services has had a negative effective upon public schools, citing that cheaper is not always better. She notes that many privatized and charter schools tend to hire very young teachers and have high mobility rates. Ascher further argues that low paid teachers will not necessarily work as hard as older, more experienced teachers, who have tenure and a vested interest in their schools. As to operational services, she believes the privatization tends to eliminate the inclusion of local community providers, taking jobs out of the neighborhood.

All in all, many educators agree that the Philadelphia schools serve their neighborhood, too; and higher test scores are not necessarily well served by providers outside the public sector.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Philadelphia schools visit Blog50406
Carlee Blog84851

Do Not Let The Negative Hold You Back!

One of the most fantastic things about making money online is that the cost of starting your own business is so low. It is possible to start out your work at home venture with no out of pocket costs. All you really need is a computer and an Internet connection. You don't need to hire anyone, depend on anyone; you can do it yourself!

More people are looking into working from home today, than ever before. The great thing about this is that there are more opportunities for a work at home business than ever before. All you need is a desire to make money on the Internet, and choose from the unparelled number of choices in how to go about starting your business.

Some of the more popular ways of making money online is to get paid for surveys or "surfing" the web. It pays quickly, but is limited in the effort that is required. A much better way to make money, and really less work, is to set up your own website and join affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs consists of a system set up by various merchants that will pay you a considerable commission when a paying customer signs up through your website. It really is a "win-win" situation for the affiliate and the merchants, and a great way to make money.

Do not worry about setting up your own website, most of these companies have websites coded with your "id", the only thing you need to concentrate on is getting customers to look at these sites. You do this through online or offline advertising. Although it is always a good idea to set up your own website with a variety of offers, as this gives you and your customer more choices.

Once you decide how you want to proceed, you need to set up some type of plan of what your expectations are, and be reasonable about your goals. Making money online is no different than making money need to take small steps before you run. Build your business slowly; you need to understand that it is very rare to become a millionaire in your first year online (although it has been known to happen).

I have said it before, and it bears repeating, do not let the negative attitude hold you back. You will hear friends and colleagues tell you that all internet businesses are scams, that it cannot be done. If you start thinking like this, then the chances of your success diminishes. You have to believe! Many people give up before giving the opportunity a real effort. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

For every person who believe that making money online is not possible, there are two who prove them wrong! Actually, I believe I read somewhere that those making money online are happy to hear about the ones who believe it is not possible and give means less competition.

Working from home on the internet has changed million of people lives from all over the world! There are no boundaries. It has no educational requirement, no family connections to get the job, no experience is necessary, and anyone from any walk of life can do it.

People from all walks of life are making their dreams come true from their internet businesses. You need a willingness to learn new things, a desire to succeed, and you too can be part of the growing phenomenon known as Internet Marketing!

Nancy Kraska has been involved with internet marketing since September, 2004. For more information visit her directory of Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities at Home Work For You http://www.hmewrk4u.comCarla Blog52421
Becki Blog51914

Inventory Management Made Easy

Devising an inventory management program that will generate maximum sales and profitability requires an advanced computerized program that is difficult and costly for a retailer to implement, but should be offered as part of the supplier program.

Failure to customize video sell-through programs to the needs of individual stores most often will result in erratic sales performance and lower than expected profitability. Because the dynamics involved in achieving sell-through success are different in each store, the program must be tailored to the individual situation. A cookie-cutter approach that treats all stores within a chain as essentially the same is a sure recipe for disappointment.

The supplier must devise an inventory management program -- including the size of the section, the category of titles to be stressed, the price points to be offered, and the signage and promotions to be featured -- to the particular demographics of the store. As retailers often do not have the time or extra resources to manage the complicated section on a store by store basis, especially with the enormous number of titles involved in video sell-through, finding a supplier who provides that service is vital to cashing in on the category's full potential.

Although many suppliers are now jumping into the sell-through video marketing arena, choosing a company that has extensive video experience in the supermarket environment is important. Properly managing a sell-through section is not easy. Suppliers must not only have a large number of video titles available but also be able to analyze the section's potential for succeeding. To do that, the supplier should already be familiar with the supermarket industry and have a demonstrated ability to provide solid retail support at store level. A successful program requires constant, efficient in-store service by a fully trained, experienced service staff. The supplier must be able to execute at store level.

One solution to ensuring that the supplier selected can fulfill the program's promise may be for retailers to choose a company they already have a buying relationship with or that at least has considerable experience servicing supermarket departments.

Ensuring that the video sell-through program is managed primarily by the supplier -- rather than requiring extensive in-store labor -- can be crucial to maximizing in-store profitability. The difference between staffing the department and selling product and having to run the entire operation -- from selecting titles initially to charting sales to restocking the fixtures -- is significant and can tie up a tremendous amount of valuable time.

The best programs minimize the amount of in-store labor necessary to run the section by providing a complete inventory management service. The other option -- to manage the section in-store with minimal outside help -- is often frustrating and can eventually lead to failure.

For the latest in inventory management software and systems, see: Inventory Management.Annabela Blog72795
Celestyn Blog50966

Importance of Database Uptime

For many businesses, logging, warehousing and processing information about transactions is the lifeline of their corporate strategy and crucial to their profitability. Important records detailing a companys user history, product inventory and shipment tracking, supplier information, configuration settings, or any other necessary collections of information are most often stored in and retrieved from databases. Databases provide a convenient means of storing vast amounts of information, allowing the information to be sorted, searched, viewed, and manipulated according to the business needs and goals. Many companies rely so heavily on the functions of databases that their daily business operations can not be executed if databases are unavailable, making database management and maintenance a vital component of their business models.

The significance of database up time and hazard of downtime can best be illustrated with a hypothetical example. Suppose ABC Company is a subscription based web application that provides a variety of on demand services to its subscribers. Every piece of data that ABC Company uses to provide its subscription services is stored in one or more massive databases, and fulfilling user requirements relies on the websites ability to access, format and deliver database information almost instantly. However, if that database is undergoing maintenance, queries cannot access the required information that is needed to create a deliverable, thus depriving the user of the services for which he or she is paying. On a large scale, database downtime can result in lost clients and sales, and thus damage to the profitability and success of the business. Hence, efficient database management capabilities are crucial to the mere existence of many businesses.

The need for database maintenance is unavoidable, so enterprise data availability software solutions have been created to help businesses reduce downtime from hours or days to mere minutes or even seconds. Effective database management applications can reduce or eliminate downtime that renders a database unavailable, giving business owners and developers a flexible and powerful tool to protect the performance of their valuable business operations.

Companies which provide enterprise data availability software and services help businesses manage their databases by offering services such as backup and recovery, automation of maintenance tasks, and fine tuning performance efficiency, among others. With an assessment of current database maintenance practices, enterprise data availability companies can recommend the appropriate system to implement that can solve the database management shortfalls of most organizations, playing a valuable role in the protection and longevity of their clients.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of data retention products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comCelestyna Blog23025
Ailyn Blog9682

Beware Of Fake Online Degree Scams

With modern technology, the internet offers students many opportunities to study for online college degrees. Students can also find a wealth of information regarding their online education ambition, for instance like how to apply for college student loan, how to find the right online college degree program for a wide variety of other online education information.

Since many prospective online students are usually working adults, more and more people are turning to the internet to obtain a college degree education program, studying completely from the internet.

However, do be careful when you choose an online college to study with. Beware of fake college degree scams. What many students fail to do is to research the online collegess accreditation process. This is a vital process and is done to make sure that the online college you chose to study from is genuine and creditable.

Since the benefits of an accredited college degree are plentiful, potential students need to ensure that the online college they study with offers fully accredited degrees. An accredited college degree is an endorsement and recognition that you have received a certain level of standard and quality in your education.

However, in the online degree industry, scams abound. There are many so called "degree-mills" on the internet which promise that you will receive degrees in half the time that is normally taken to study for a degree and some even to go as far as to claim that you can earn a college degree even without studying or taking examinations.

These scams and fake "colleges" only want your money and when you are done with them, you will be left with a degree that has not been through a proper accreditation process or worse, you will receive a fake college degree which is completely worthless. So you must beware of them.

A properly accredited online college degree program ensures that a student is receiving a high quality education that is the standard among colleges and universities both online and offline. By being accredited, it holds the online colleges and universities accountable for their performances and this auger well for employer's confidence in the degree's credibility.

By having a fully accredited online college degree by the proper governing boards ensures that your hard work is rewarded. Employers and other learning institutions will accept your degree as being credible.

Students who wish to apply for college financing can only do so if their college is properly accredited by the proper educational boards. No banks will give any college student loans to students who are intending to study with a college without accreditation.

Furthermore, in order to transfer your credits to another educational institution that is accredited, you have to receive a degree from an accredited college or university online.

While the internet is a good medium where students from all over the world with internet access can obtain get a college degree education, you should by all means avoid being a victim of such ruthless scams. Proper accreditation ensures that your online degree will be respected by your employers and other colleges and universities should you wish to go for your post graduate degree.

It is therefore imperative that you research your chosen college's accreditation process thoroughly before committing to any online college degree program. This will make sure that the accredited online college degree you will obtain is properly accredited through the proper state or regional boards. By doing your research well, you will avoid being a victim of fake college degree online scams may cost you lot of money, time, hard work and heartache.

Chris Chew is a writer and author. More education articles at his sites and http://create-attract-wealth.blogspot.comCamila Blog16346
Ariel Blog31543

An Indian Rice Delight Makes Taste Buds All Over The World Enter Nirvana

Welcome to the Gourmet Indian Series. Today we bring you Chicken Biryani.

8-10 oz basmati rice rinsed 2 tbsp. olive oil
2 chopped onions
2 chopped garlic cloves
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh ginger
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
tsp. cayenne pepper
tsp. ground cumin

1 tbsp. fried onions
2 tbsp. toasted flaked almonds
1 tsp. ground coriander
a pinch of nutmeg
tsp. ground cinnamon
tsp. turmeric
6 fl oz natural yogurt
1 tsp. sugar
3 tbsp. raisins or sultanas
salt and black pepper

1. Boil the rice in 3 pts water with a little salt for 8 minutes, stirring once and keeping the water at a rolling boil.
2. Drain and reserve. Meanwhile, thinly slice the chicken breast.
3. In a large saucepan or casserole with a tight fitting lid heat the oil and fry the onion, ginger and garlic for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
4. Add the chicken, raise the heat and stir fry for 3 minutes.
5. Add all the ground spices and stir again for a few seconds.
6. Add the yogurt and stir for one minute, then add the sugar and raisins or sultanas and stir again. Check seasoning.
7. Put the rice on top then cover the saucepan with foil or a damp tea towel and put the lid on tightly.
8. Reduce the heat to low and cook undisturbed for 10 minutes.
9. Remove from heat and rest, still covered, for 5 minutes.
10. Uncover, sprinkle with the garnishes and serve.


Chris JacobArdyth Blog52465
Aubrette Blog10272

Trojans Are No Match For Rollback Rx

Let us have some insight into PC problems if you do not have rollback software installed. There is nothing worse than having your computer crash on you when you are working hard at completing the most important project you have done so far. You didnt think you would need a disaster recovery solution or have to repair computer problems. All you can think about is doing a good job on your project, when your computer behaves strangely and a lot of pop up windows start appearing. You try to fix computer settings but it doesnt seem to restore your work. What can you do? If it is Trojan spyware, your antivirus might not detect it.

Rollback Rx Software Keeps Your Data Safe

If you have Rollback Rx system restore software installed in your system, you never need worry about losing your data. You can use the snapshot technology to keep taking snapshots of your entire system so that should any of the above problems occur, all you need to do is rollback your pc to a healthy snapshot, without losing any of the data you were working on. Your project is intact. Backing up work is important, but even if you forget, Rollback Rx wont. It is fantastic disaster recovery software that repairs computer problems quickly.

When Rollback Rx system restore software and disaster recovery solution is used to fix computer problems, it rolls back to the snapshot of your choice, and if there was any malware or virus, it discards those in the process, keeping your system free of corruption and the associated damages that occurred after that snapshot. In all this, it retains all the data that you worked on prior to your computer problem or Trojan infection. Maybe you are wondering what you would do if your system crashes so completely that your Windows operating system wont start up. Rollback Rx system restore software is still operational because it installs behind Windows and can restore your pc even in such a situation. The snapshots you take at periodic intervals hold the key. Snapshots can be created in seconds and they dont even occupy much space on your hard disk. They just exist as a map of the system at the sector level.

Safety And Privacy Of Data Assured

Rollback Rx pc restore software comes with certain protection settings that let you see the partitions in your system that are protected by it. You can view the space used by Rollback Rx. You can select the drives on which you want to run Rollback Rx, and repair or fix computer problems by running a maintenance on just the protected drives so that you can make best use of space available on your system.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Alla Blog84388
Berta Blog93016

Tips on Changing Careers - Establishing a Workable Career Plan

7 Steps to Help You Change Careers and Establish a Workable Career Plan

If you are thinking of a career change or if you are trying to lay out a tangible career plan for yourself, there are several important things to consider.

Step One Self Assessment

Self-Assessment is an important first step in considering where you are currently and discovering what direction you would like to go in the future. Some questions you might ask yourself include:

* What are my interests and aptitudes?
* What are my strengths and weaknesses?
* What are my major personality traits?
* Do I have areas of interest outside my current field?

Step Two Consider Career Assessment Testing

Have you ever considered taking a Career Assessment Test? There are many of these tests available on the Internet that can be easily accessed and completed free of charge. This can be a great starting point to help you discover areas of interest that you might not have considered before.

Step Three Set Goals and Objectives

It is also important to discover your goals and objectives for the future. Not only do you need to think about where you are in your current career, but also where you want to go, and how, when, and where you would like to advance in the future. In considering your own goals and objectives, some possible questions to consider are these:

* Where am I in my current career?
* What are the possibilities for advancement?
* Do I want to remain in the field I am currently in, or would I really like to pursue something of greater interest?
* Is there something else Ive always really wanted to do?
* If I remain in the same area, what steps will I need to take for advancement?
* Are there credentials or certifications that would be helpful?
* Do I need to upgrade my degree to a higher level?
* Do I need to earn a degree in a completely different field

Step Four Make a List of Possibilities

Making a list of all the possibilities that you are interested in considering is another helpful exercise. Start by listing all the jobs you might be interested in pursuing. If you have no qualifications in your areas of interest, think about what your options are for obtaining them. Can you attend classes locally or would online learning be a better choice for you? Many times your current family and work responsibilities weigh heavily on the choice for the convenience of online learning.

Step Five Research Your Favorite Careers

After you have a list of possible interesting careers, choose your favorites and begin researching them. There is, of course, a wealth of knowledge on the Internet, but another great avenue is to talk to people who currently work in the field in which you are interested. You can also consider making an appointment with a career counselor at a local college or community college for assistance. Your local library is always an option -- peruse the librarys collection of career guide books. Researching should give you a better perspective and understanding of the careers that interest you and what steps you will need to take in order to pursue a new career.

Step Six Narrow Your Choices

Once the research phase is complete, you must narrow your choices down and consider the pros and cons of each one. This will help you to make specific choices that you can begin to pursue.

Step Seven - Determine Educational Requirements

Once you make the choice, it is time to begin seriously considering the education options available to you. Begin by discovering what type of major is associated with the field and consider whether a minor would be beneficial in any way. Many careers do not require a degree; you can get into certain fields with certificates or diplomas. Once you establish yourself in the area of interest, you can continue to upgrade your credentials with certifications and even earn a degree online while you continue your work.

Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Brigid Blog69285
Cami Blog30282

5 Business Success Planning Tips

Plan, Do, Achieve - Business Success

Action planning can help you get there fast!

Let me ask you three questions - Does business success planning sound more fun than business planning? To be successful in business, do you need to take action? Do you take action more quickly and easily when you are having fun, or when you know that your action will make a difference? Answering 'yes' to any of the above questions indicates that you are ready for business success planning - an action-oriented approach to help build your business faster. The driving force behind this is the thought that you can move faster and with more ease when you focus on doing what you enjoy and when you understand key requirements to grow your business. This eliminates the worry and loss of time that results when you have no business success plan.

Knowing your ultimate destination, planning and considering your options along the way, and taking focused action to meet milestones, will help you reach that destination one win at a time. This is a key aspect of business success planning - a fun variation on old-fashioned business planning. It's not just creating a plan document. It's an action-and-results oriented approach to plan, do and achieve business successes, which helps you to maintain business building momentum and, also, adds to your credibility along the way. Plan, do and achieve, starting with 5 Business Success Planning Tips to move forward fast:

1. Get clear on your purpose and products, and pace yourself Understand and be able to convey your vision, your mission and why you are in business. Identify and plan competitive products/services to sell today and tomorrow. And, pace yourself. Outline timelines for milestone achievement that will help you to reach your ultimate destination, and get into action.

Think about what products and services you will sell to meet your goals. How will you do it? Why are you the one to deliver this, and what sets your business products and services apart from the competition? Do you have a mantra and mission that propels you forward? Do you know that this is not an overnight journey? Have you identified milestone achievements, so you can pace yourself to get where you need to go?

2. Write it all down Document everything along your business journey! With good documentation, you will be surprised how much of the work will already be done when you need to share information for marketing, sales, financing, staffing or other business requirements.

Think about customer needs, existing and future products, competitors, suppliers, human resources, etc. Write you findings down to keep track and make sense of them as you explore your business development and take action. It will help you to understand and think through your business, how it will work and the requirements to be successful. Compiling your business success plan along the journey assures that the documentation will be ready when you need it.

3. Validate your plan, share it and always be open to revising it Share your findings and action results with "independent parties." Listen carefully to their reactions and recommendations. Be open to making revisions that will help you achieve your milestones and your ultimate goal.

Think about what it will take to be successful, including predictions and thoughts on products, services, financing, market demand and competition. Consider how you will respond to market, technology, financial and other business changes today and tomorrow.

4. Get help to develop and maintain your success plan in order to meet milestone commitments, and be willing to adjust your course as necessary While you definitely need to commit to milestone achievements and testing your plan out, you may need to change course slightly or shift your business to reach your destinations. Working with a business consultant or coach can help you navigate shifts and stay on track to meet your mark.

Think about what help you need to commit to milestone achievements and testing your plan out. Identify and hire qualified resources who are committed to milestone achievement and your longer-term business success. Where will you find this help?

5. Do the math Think through (and document) the financial requirements for your business in the near, medium and long-term.

Think about the capital you need to realistically prepare for and attain milestone achievements. How will you track business progress to measure efficient capital deployment and to remain in business? Your investment in the business in terms of time, money and effort is only worthwhile if you know and understand your business financial requirements and can fund activity along the way. This is key to reaching milestone achievements and, then, longer-term vision.

Use these tips to make your business ownership journey success-oriented and rewarding. You can even aim to make it downright fun!

© 2007 Time2Market Inc. All Rights Reserved

Megan Tobin, an independent business development coach based in New York and doing business as Time2Market Inc., works with entrepreneurs and business managers on focused-action planning to achieve business results - fast! She emphasizes keeping a positive, yet realistic perspective on the business planning and building process at all times. Her blog can be seen at: http://www.time2marketblog.comAsia Blog59255
Adora Blog57881

Grant Basics for Beginners

Beginners to the granting process, whether for business or non-profit, are often intimidated by the hard work that it takes to write a grant application. It is hard work and it should be. No grantor wants their money wasted on a project that has poor planning and little or no effort invested into it by a grant seeker. The key to the granting process is getting organized and stop procrastinating. Here are some helpful hints to get you started.


Everyday you should be writing down your ideas and thoughts about your project. Saving them on a computer to a word file is preferable so you may edit, spell check, cut and paste, and reorganize them without having to continually retype.


You should seek out and solicit the advice of a successful businessman or community leader whose judgment you respect. Find someone who is able to devote a few free hours a week to give you the advice and help you need with the basic fundamentals of developing a professional business plan.


Grantors already know the type of project you are contemplating. Researching the feasibilities of the success of your project and conveying that to the grantors is your responsibility. The time you spend working on your project and the information you acquire is an asset to you personally because knowledge and information is a powerful tool in business or non-profit grant seeking.


Whether you have a finished plan or not the time to start your grant seeking process is now. You can always work on your plan as you go. Imagine investing 6 months of your time into a project and have everything ready to go except for your grant application and then you find out that you missed the closing date of an eligible grant for your project by a couple of days. Just because you wanted everything to be perfect, now would have to wait an entire year for that particular grant application to reopen.

Notice that the letters of each hint do not spell out some cute acronym. Memorizing a list of steps just to complete a program that may or may not assist you in your goal is counterproductive. Always strive to achieve your grant through perseverance and patience. Nothing substantial is ever achieved overnight or through just plain dumb luck.

For a list of grant programs that I have personally researched that will assist you in achieving your goal, please visit

Kevin J. Riley is a business and grant consultant with over 20 years business experience and the host of http://www.grantsformoney.comCammie Blog69726
Almire Blog25954

Computer Security Against Data Loss And Identity Theft

This week I was going to write about upgrading system RAM but while watching the news I saw the story about and their data theft. Last weeks big story was the data lose at the Veterans Administration. NOW .. to be clear, these were not computer security breeches but people actually carrying the data out on disk. But the point is data is valuable and this leads to computer security

This past week alone we had 5 machines that were so loaded with spyware the machines literally stalled and were unusable. Now, knowing how low the response is when we run spyware ads I know many of you are not listening. Then, when you head to the repair shop it is already too late. Add to this the cost of the repair /clean out which usually costs many times is more then the actual machine is worth.

If ever there was a case for the fabled "ounce of prevention" this is it. Anyway identity theft is the fastest growing, most damaging and expensive crime we have today. It can take up to a year to detect and by then the damage can be extensive, but with a few simple steps you can avoid it. The problem is getting you to take those steps so I'll go over them again.

Before you go near the Internet your computer needs three types of software, first, a good anti-virus program. We recommend products like Norton Anti-virus, Trend Micro and if you are looking for a good freebie, get AVG. Now if one is good two should be better right ... wrong. This not true with virus software. Very often they will conflict and cause system performance issues.

Next you need a firewall, if nothing else use the built in Windows firewall that comes with XP Sp2, if you have an earlier version then you seriously need to run Windows updates. This is not just for the firewall but you are missing a large collection of security updates. Finally, you need a spyware scanner and you need two of these, one pro-active (scanning threats as they come in) and one that is reactive (scans for threats that are let in by hiding in something else). This is especially true if you use Yahoo, MSN, or Google search bars.

Also AOL is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to collecting and selling info on their subscribers. But they hide it well by keeping you focused on the competitors spyware they are removing. You also need two spyware scanners because neither will get all the threats and one will get what the other missed. We recommend Pest Patrol and Ad Aware. Avoid Spybot at all costs. This is just a spyware suite disguised as a scanner. Well there you have it, again. The Internet is a safe place if you take the proper precautions.

Chris Kaminski has been working in computer repair and web development for the last 20 years. Kaminski is CEO and head technician for, an online computer repair company based in Asheville, NC. Visit Computer Guys Live online for computer repair at and check out the invaluable wireless connection guide at Blog30282
Bertie Blog10408

How To Maintain Your Privacy With Your Russian Wife

My recommendation is that you keep all of your personal correspondence and other personal files off your home computer. If you keep your stock portfolio or other financial information on it, its going to fall into the hands of the KGB.

I recommend that you get content sniffer software that scrubs your home computer of all potential objectionable files. Imagine that your computer is going to be sitting at the public library for anyone to look through. Thats the level at which you should maintain your home computer.

One great company that has a lot of products that provide privacy on the Internet is the Anonymizer Group of products.

Personally I recommend their Anonymizer ID Protection Suite with Window Washer. This allows you anonymous searching on the web plus the ability to clean your computer of objectionable files. You can order it at the above website.

If you need to keep personal financial files or other personal correspondence confidential, put them on a portable computer, using encryption software like PGP, and keep it locked in your office.

All confidential hardcopy files should be kept in a locked safe off premises. All legal documents should be kept at your attorneys office. Purge your house of old girlfriends photographs and their personal articles.

If this sounds like you are acting like a secret agent you are correct. Whether you act like one or not, your wife will be acting like one.

Have fun with it. Imagine that you are James Bond and you dont want to leave any incriminating information left around. Get rid of anything that ties you to your prior married or bachelor life, especially as it relates to women.

You are now a Stepford husband. You have not had any experiences with women prior to meeting your wife. You spent your entire life previous to meeting your wife in a monastery. You must deny any knowledge of your prior existence.

Remember, any information, can and will be used against you !

Get rid of all the catalogs and videos from the Russian tour companies. Get rid of your tool girl calendars and your vintage copies of Playboy from the good years.

Lock up your guns in a gun safe thats kept in the garage. Get rid of the ones that arent legal.

The only videos you should have are action movies rated PG or less. The only cable subscriptions you should have are sports or regular movie channels. Dont order anything objectionable through pay per view or at the video store.

Your house should resemble Mr. Rogers Playhouse. You should be able to operate a Church school there after you disinfect it.

Actually, since the new security measures have passed Congress, its probably a good idea to maintain this level of personal privacy anyway.

Between your personal domestic KGB agent and the FBI scanning your emails and your Internet surfing, monitoring your correspondence and television watching, you are just like that Jim Carrey movie character that was under surveillance all the time, but didnt know it.

Well, now you know it.

The only thing she cant monitor are your thoughts. But shell try. That comes later.

John Kunkle has been successfully married to a Belarussian wife for over five years. He has traveled extensively through Russia and other CIS countries. He will tell you why you should consider Russian women, how to meet them, how to bring your special woman home, and how to survive married life.Camellia Blog70286
Arabele Blog67267

Picture Perfect System Restore Rollback Rx

Picture perfect: that is how the Rollback Rx snapshot based system restore software works. Recovering lost data can be quite a hassle and cost you dearly in terms of time as well as money. But with RollBack Rx system restore software anyone can repair computer issues. The rollback abilities of Rollback Rx are versatile. They let the user create a snapshot of the whole system so that you can roll back to a specific snapshot of your choice.

User Benefits of the Rollback Rx

Educational institutions usually restore their IT systems back to the start of the previous semester. With Rollback Rx, they can achieve this in just about three mouse clicks. They dont have to use ghost, imaging or mirroring software, resulting in substantial savings in cost.

In the corporate scenario, users set their Rollback Rx to take snapshots at specific intervals. Suppose the system crashes, they can roll back to the last snapshot. Before you install software in the beta version, Roll back can help in testing, recovering or uninstalling applications.

Domestic users can play it safe by taking a snapshot of the system before they try out new software. In spite of uninstalling certain software, remnants of this software are often left behind in the system and registry. This makes the system slower. Rollback Rx does a clean uninstall of unwanted programs.

Sometimes operating system critical updates are such huge files that you are forced to leave the system on overnight, unprotected. Rollback Rx makes the process simple by maintaining these updates. The networking ability of Rollback Rx lets administrators use an Internet based console to configure Rollback Rx installations.

Thus, Rollback Rx can be used to fix computer problems. The pc restore facility is invaluable and deployment can be a large network in an organization or a personal computer used by an individual. Rollback Rx gives your system that extra security to keep away hackers and viruses, which are the two things that commonly put fear in a user. Rollback Rx can recover data even after you format your system. It uses a subsystem and kernel system to protect the PC.

Remote Control

Support through remote control is not an easy process. But with Rollback Rx, it can be. All that needs to be done by the user who is traveling is to reboot and then hit a designated key to do a pc restore to a state where it can function fully. No need to go through the tedious process to bringing back and sending bulky systems. So no more time wasted through lengthy sessions instructing the user to do the right thing!

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Beitris Blog24566
Agata Blog69806

Cat Behaviour Problems: The Most Common Problem And How To Deal With It

Cats make excellent pets and have recently overtaken dogs as Britains favourite pet. There are many reasons for this shift but it may well be a reflection of the fact that our lifestyles have become busier and more hectic so we no longer have the time to devote to more demanding pets. Cats need less space, less food, dont need to be walked twice a day and are generally easier to care for. However they can be prone to behaviour problems which may lead to extremely unpleasant deposits around the home, ruined furniture and limbs covered in bites and scratches. Here is some information regarding the most common cat behaviour problem and some tips to help treat it

Failure to use the litter box or house soiling is undoubtedly the most common cat behaviour problem. Cats may stop using their litter box/tray or even have trouble learning to use it in the first place. One thing to remember is that you should never punish the cat by rubbing its nose in it. This method of correction has never worked and will only serve to make the cat even more traumatised, thus adding to the problem.

The three main reasons for failing to use the litter box/tray are: -

1. Medical Problems such as:

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
Bacterial Infections
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease


Always take the cat to a reputable vet in the first instance in order to rule out the possibility of any medical problems.
If there is more than one cat in the household, all will need to be examined.

Once all medical problems have been ruled out, you can consider the following: -

2. Problems with the litter box/tray itself:

Not emptied often enough
Not clean
Too many cats using the same box
Overuse of deodorizers
Changing the type or brand of the litter
Changing the location
Too near to frightening domestic appliances e.g. the washing machine


Change the litter at least once every 3 days or as often as daily for some cats
Ensure deposits are removed on a daily basis
Clean the box with an odourless disinfectant there are many brands available designed especially for litter boxes
If there is more than one cat in the household, make sure, where possible, each has its own litter box
Introduce any new brand/type of litter a little at a time, mixing it with the old brand/type. Do this until eventually you are using only the new brand. If this doesnt work, you may have to consider returning to the old brand/type.
If the box has been moved put it back to where it was previously. If this is not possible, put the box on the spot that the cat is choosing to use and then move it towards the desired new location at a rate of one foot per day
Move the box away from the frightening noise or move the appliance thats causing the problem
Consider a covered litter box/tray. This gives the cat more privacy, which many prefer and it also helps with odour control and prevents litter being kicked out of the box.

3. Stress/Trauma:

New cats introduced to the household
Visitors, especially large gatherings e.g. a party
Workmen carrying out work in the household
Moving house
A change in routine e.g. new working hours
Problems with other cats in the neighbourhood
A new baby


Try to give each cat its own space within the household and introduce them gradually spending a little more time together each day. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that if the soiling continues to be persistent, then it may be advisable not to keep the second cat
Remove the cat to another area of the house along with its bed, litter box, food and water when visitors are present
The above point can be used when workmen are in the house as well but if it is likely to be for more than a couple of days or very noisy then you should consider placing the cat in a cattery until the work is finished
Tranquillisers prescribed by your vet may be effective or consider products like Feliway also available from your vet as a spray or in a diffuser
A new baby sometimes means the cat can become jealous. Give your cat plenty of attention to reassure it that you still love him/her

Above all, remember that punishing the cat using pain or fear will completely destroy any relationship you may have with him/her. At the very least, discipline in this way is likely to escalate the problem and will very likely result in the cat leaving the household altogether to escape the abusive human behaviour.

Paul Bicknell recommends Solutions To Cat Behaviour Problems. See more at Blog58284
Alena Blog78898

Hewlett Packard - What Was She Thinking?

The two men that founded Hewlett-Packard, Bill Hewlett and David Packard must be rolling over in their graves with the announcement that their company founded on a strong ethical structure has voluntarily committed what may be ill-legal acts. These things happen, we understand that. What we dont understand is the actions subsequent to the public being informed of the ill-legal acts.

The company has admitted that they hired outside parties to try to ascertain how information from Board meetings made its way into newspapers. The 3rd parties hired to do the job use Pretexting a method where a person pretends, or masquerades as someone else. The purpose is to obtain that persons calling records from the phone company.

Hewlett Packards Non Executive Chairman, Patricia Dunn has said she authorized the operation without realizing how far the investigators went. You have to be kidding. She has agreed to step down as of January 1 of next year. What an interesting way to reward inappropriate corporate behavior. She must know where the bones are buried, because the resignation should have been immediate, and without hesitation.

If you violate the law, thats one thing. If you get called on it-Thats ANOTHER THING. These people got called on it. They got found out. This is a famous corporation with almost infinite legal resources. They literally have the best lawyers money can buy, and this is what they come up with. You know what they say, if the attorney dont give you the opinion you want, find another attorney. In this case, the first attorney Hewlett Packard used was a prominent Silicon Valley lawyer who thought Pretexting sounded like a pretty good idea. He must be smoking the same thing that the Non-Executive Chairman was smoking.

Executives are supposed to execute, thats why they call them executives. It wasnt so with the folks at Hewlett. They were asleep at the switch wondering which bank to deposit their latest LAVISH stock options bonus into.

It has now become apparent that the scheme went deeper than anyone previously realized. Apparently Hewlett Packard was thinking about planting spies in news bureaus at two major media outlets. They included CNET, and the Wall Street Journal. The plan called for Hewlett Packards investigators to place clerical employees and/or cleaning crews in the offices of these entities looking for the source of the leaks.

Its just amazing when you think of it. Only in Hollywood movies do things go off without a hitch. Its really BRAZEN of these highly paid individuals to believe that they could pull this off, and in the process not wind up embarrassing the corporate entity.

What about Institutional memory?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that corporations are suffering the same fate as governments which is that nobody is around long enough to remember history, and therefore INFLUENCE poorly thought out plans. I could do a book on this one and probably should, but here it goes.

In the late 1960s, a famous multinational corporation called International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) was being beat up by the Justice Department over mergers that the government didnt like. What did ITT do? Attempting to get out of the investigation, there was a meeting of individuals that included the Chairman Harold Geneen, director Felix Rohatyn (later Ambassador to France under Clinton), and Nixon assistants Enrichment, Colson, Peterson, and Krogh, and Cabinet members Connally, Stans, Mitchell, Kleindienst, and McLaren.

The objective was to offer the Republicans $400,000 in cash towards financing the Republican national convention in San Diego. The whole thing became known through the Dita Beard memo. Beard was a lobbyist for ITT. They all thought they could keep it quiet, until it blew up in their faces. I guess nobody at Hewlett Packard took a political history course in college.

Folks when you are thinking about violating laws of the United States or any country for that matter, you have to be the proverbial village idiot to put it in WRITING. Thats what ITT did, and it cost them dearly. Here we are 35 years later and Hewlett Packard has memos flying all through their computers in the form of e-mails, and the government will use those memos to hang the corporate officers. What were they thinking?

What Hewlett Packard should have done?

This is easy, COME CLEAN. You call a meeting with reporters as quickly as you can, and you become 100% OPEN and TRANSPARENT. You are apologetic, and you attempt to lay it all out on the table, even if you dont have the whole story. This is what I call Crisis 101 management. Instead, HP decided to put information out little by little, and when the press found something new out, they killed HP for it. Pretexting and stealing to me is the same thing. You are taking a persons records, even his identity and it doesnt belong to you.

The textbook case of crisis management remains Johnson & Johnson, and the Tylenol scandal of 1982. Some crazed individual in the Chicago area had laced Tylenol capsules with cyanide, and killed several innocent people. JNJ did not sweep it under the rug. They confronted the problem head on, and came completely clean. They accepted responsibility.

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and StocksAtBottom.comCathi Blog93933
Astrix Blog9691

Make Your Own Anti Aging Creams

There are hundreds of anti-aging products on the drugstore shelves. All of the lotions, potions, creams, toners, moisturizers, and exfoliating for you skin have one thing in common and that is a hefty price tag. Why purchase anti aging lotions when you can make your own right in your kitchen?

Anti aging skin care products fall into several categories, cleaning or exfoliating, moisturizing, and repair. If you have a favorite commercial product that you like then read the label on the jar and look for the active ingredients. You man not know what Hydroquinone is or what it does but with a little research in the internet you can find out that it is used to reduce age spots on the skin by inhabiting melanin production. Melanin is the chemical in you skin that is responsible for tanning.

Cleaning or exfoliating of the skin is the first step in a skin anti aging regiment. Get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating regularly. You can use crushed sea salt, oatmeal or cornmeal for this. Citrus fruits are also ideal as they help to break down the dead cells. Lemons will make your face will sting slightly but the results are worth it!

Safflower oil doubles as both cooking oil and a natural antioxidant when applied to the skin to moisturize it. Avocado oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer. Both oils can be used as a base to add other ingredients to. Keeping your skin properly moisturized is the best way to make sure it does not age prematurely. Oils are actually more easily absorbed than creams as well.

Most of us have an Aloe Vera plant in the kitchen area and we use it to treat burns. If it can repair damage skin tissue then will also repair the damage to the skin from the aging process. Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

When make your own anti aging creams successfully it will take some time exploring which ingredients are right for you. As with any store bought anti aging cream, home made ones can irritate your skin if they are particularly sensitive, and it's best to try a patch test for any new ingredient you are going to try. Try some different combinations to see what works best for your skin tone. Always select fresh products to gain the most vitamins and minerals as you can from them. This is one of the best advantages to making creams at home.

You will need to incorporate an internal as well as an external anti aging skin treatment for a balanced approach to the problem. After all, why would you put a nice fresh coat of paint on a rusted car? It may look good for a short time but it will not last long.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with aging skin such as Beta Carotene, Butterbur, Green Tea, Olbas, and Salicylic Acid.

Beta Carotene helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency. Symptoms of Beta Carotene deficiency include ache, dry dull hair, dry skin and thickened scaly skin on the palms and soles of the feet.

Butterbur is a common herbal extract that is highly effective asthma therapy. As far back as the 17th century, butterbur was used to treat cough, asthma, and skin wounds.

Green Tea contains antioxidants that may protect against heart disease, several types of cancer, and skin damage. The used tea bags are good for the dark circles under the eyes.

Olbas is used to increase the circulation in skin by opening up the skin pores. Olbas oil has been used for its healing properties in cultures around the world for centuries.

Salicylic Acid also helps breakdown blackheads and whiteheads. It also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the hair follicles clogging the pores of the skin. Salicylic acid is used as a mild abrasive to chemically exfoliate the skin to encourage the peeling of the top layer and to prevent a build-up of dead skin cells which combine with the oil to block pores.

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created numerous articles on allergies. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to allergies and how to treat it. Click on http://www.aging-team.comCass Blog70637
Alis Blog96050

Repower Equipment: Is your Lawn Mower Ready for Summer?

Summer is almost here. You can already smell fresh mowed grass of neighborhood laws and here the kids running through sprinklers. It is time for all of us to get geared up for the long mowing season ahead. With the price of fuel continuing to climb higher, an aging lawn mower engine that is declining in power or fuel efficiency may not be worth the time and energy to use this summer. Yet the cost of a new lawn mower or lawn tractor may not be in your budget this year. Plus, we hear every day about the importance of being green these days and tossing your old lawn mower into the trash heap is not in line with reducing waste and protecting the environment.

Repowering your lawn mower or lawn tractor using repower kits for equipment made by Toro, Cushman, or Jacobsen can be the best preparation you need for the upcoming long lawn or golf course mowing season. The kits made for Toro lawn mowers and Toro lawn tractors are perfect examples of how small engine repower kits work and benefit lawn equipment owners.

Repower kits designed for Toro lawn mowers and lawn tractors have several features and added bonuses. The features and bonuses of these repower kits make them a great deal when so much else seems to be rising in price. What can you expect with the purchase of a Toro lawn mower or lawn tractor engine repower kit? The same great benefits you do with all repower kits available.

To spend much less money on dependable, Toro replacement parts and engines than you would spend purchasing them new

A spanking new emissions-certified engine for a high green-rating for your Toro lawn mower or Toro Lawn tractor that is more important than today

All the parts needed for installing the Toro repower kit

Complete and understandable installation instructions for easy installing

Advanced technology like, full pressure lubrication, hydraulic valve lifters, overhead valves, and fuel efficient powering

Simple, routine maintenance of Toro repowered lawn mowers and lawn tractors. Who doesnt like the sound of that? Less time maintaining, more time mowing

2 year manufacturers warranty on every repower kit

The support of a worldwide network of authorized dealers and distributors, for support where and when you need it.

The costs of lawn mower small engine repair and lawn tractor engine repairs can add up quickly if you are not careful about where you get your parts for making those repairs. Make sure you purchase parts from a reputable dealer and that those parts are high quality and dependable. Ask if your dealer has some sort of technical support as well so that if you have a question about the kit install or how your engine is working, you can get the answers easily and quickly.

The time to prep your lawn mower or lawn tractor, whether it is a Toro, Cushman or Jacobsen model, for the long summer mowing season is now. Small engine and engine repairs to lawn mowers and lawn tractors can extend the life and use of the mowers for many more years to come. Whether you are keeping your personal landscaping immaculate or caring for the quality of your community golf course, it is important to ensure that an aging mower does not become an unreliable fuel waster.

Ben Anton, 2007

Ben Anton invites you to read more about repowering small engines at http://www.repower.comAdria Blog81934
Bellanca Blog91878

Tips For Lowering Your Health Insurance Costs

Is the rising cost of health insurance getting you down? Don't feel alone. There are currently millions of uninsured Americans who simply can't afford to pay the outrageous premiums to get medical coverage. Fortunately, most states will step up and help low-income families cover their children at least, but what happens if mom or dad gets sick? Who's going to pay the bills than? What if the breadwinner of the family, whether it's mom or dad, is unable to work anymore and they run up large amounts of medical bills?

The system simply isn't working anymore, however, there are a few things we can do to keep our monthly premiums manageable, for those of us who can afford to make minimum payments to have a health insurance policy. With take a look at some of those.

There are things you can exclude from your health insurance policies that will decrease your monthly cost. This is the case on all policies so you'll need to look around but it is possible to do.

Another thing you might consider is to raise your deductibles. The deductible is the amount of the insurance company expects you to pay before they start paying anything. An example of this would be was called 80/20. This means that you'd pay the first 20% of the of the costs of your visit to the doctor and the insurance company would cover anything up to that. So the cost of $100 for your medical needs then you would be expected to pay $20 and the insurance company would take care of the other $80. You'd only pay up to a maximum amount every year on your deductible deductibles vary anywhere from zero to $5-$10,000.

The higher deductible you carry on your policy, the lower your monthly payment will be, however, if you carry a high deductible this means that you will be paying a large portion of your everyday medical care out-of-pocket.

If you could possibly set aside enough money that would equal your annual deductible amount you would be in very good shape because the average person only see the doctor once or twice a year. This would make your payments minimal, your out-of-pocket costs would be covered if you have the money set aside and you would be covered in case of any major medical emergency. Just another option to think about.

Joe Stewart is a former Health Insurance Agent that now provides helpful information to others. For more great information about Health Insurance, visit right now!Bibby Blog7102
Anne Marie Blog84389

Are There Home Schooling Programs Available For College Students?

Contrary to most peoples opinions, home schooling is not just limited to primary school students. In fact, there are many home schooling courses available for college students as well both offline and online.

Home schooling has been gaining more popularity in recent years because parents wanted more control over their childs education. Parents wanted to oversee what their children is learning and teach them the right way.

For higher level college education, there are several types of home schooling programs available. It depends on the type of education you prefer your child to undertake.

One type is religion college home schooling. They have home schooling curriculum that have religious studies as part of their education.

Another type focus on the science while another focus on the arts. It can also be a combination of the above since college home schooling is quite flexible. You can cater your home schooling curriculum based on the interest of your child.

One thing all these college home schooling programs have in common is that they can be taught at the pace your child is comfortable with. Since each child learns differently and at different pace, the college home schooling program can be altered to suit each childs learning progress.

There are also college home schooling programs offered in your local area. Some are theme based while others are focused on a particular subject. It will help if you can find yourself aligned with a home schooling group in your local community, if not you can do it online via the numerous homeschooling forums online.

Ricky Lim is the founder of where he regularly write homeschooling articles to help educators and parents. Brier Blog91554
Bernelle Blog63033

How Phone Verification Fights Identity Theft

Just like anything on Earth modern society has some kind of balance. So on one hand we have a progressive electronic community and on the other hand we have army of internet criminals whose both work and fun consists of so called identity theft.

As the main weapon of a scammer is his anonymity the main purpose of a Site Owner consists in confirmation of Users identity.

There are some methods to verify website user's identity. Confirmation by email is used when it concerns password reminder service; e-merchants use AVS checking to authorize their customers as true cardholders while processing credit cards in e-shops and so on.

But it's not enough. Passwords can be stolen through so called phishing. And Address Verification System is used in US and Canada only and moreover its scheme is rather imperfect.

There should be another solution.

And it does exist.

Telephone verification is a kind of universal method to verify user's identity. It works as follows:

A. A user enters his personal data including phone number at a certain site and presses "submit" button.

B. Phone verification system initiates a call to this number.

C. After greeting a system asks to enter pin-code that a user sees on the screen using a phone keypad.

D. A user enters pin-code and hangs up.

After a call is done system passes a merchant user's country and city by phone number area code, phone number type and matching of pin-code entered and pin-code shown on site. Some companies e.g. provides Geo IP research in addition to telephone verification. This allows to compare IP address data with phone number data (whether country and city identified by IP address matches the ones identified by phone area code).

It is a lot. It is surely enough to define whether a Customer is a person he seems to be - a real website user and a real cardholder.

Optionally system can ask a person to confirm his identity/order by saying something like his name or any other information that is recorded. Afterwards, such recordings can prove that a person had indeed used certain service (ordered certain goods). A Site Owner can download a wav-file with a recorded voice message of a customer at any time as it is saved on server of telephone authorization service provider.

This is telephone verification and how it works.

Where telephone verification is used

1. E-commerce. Identity theft is a serious problem for plenty of merchants. Telephone verification helps to reduce fraudulent transactions. Customer just passes the standard procedure of authorization and proves that he is a true cardholder. Recorded message with Customers voice can afterwards become a proof of ordering a good/service by a certain person.

2. Any website where registration/authorization is required. VoIP telephone verification can be used at the registration stage in order to confirm users' identity (e.g. it's of high importance at different forums, online communities, online financial services etc). Also it can be used in case a user has lost his password. Sending it to a specific email address doesn't guarantee Site Owner cannot be completely sure that password reminder procedure isn't initiated by a scammer with an idea to manage somebody's personal data. Passing telephone verification by user can prove his identity.

3. Sites with free content limiting. Very often different companies carry on advertising campaigns that permit using their online services for free for certain time (trial periods). In order to anticipate multiple signing up (which is a bad experience for a marketing report) each new registration can be verified in order to prove that use hasn't signed up before.

4. Sites offering region limiting services. In some countries it is prohibited to distribute security software to certain countries. Using telephone verification service Site Owner can be sure that his new registered user doesn't live in one of these countries. Phone number area code helps to reveal user's location. This service is even more effective when it is used together with Geo IP research.

VoIP telephone service can be used for automation of webmaster's work by programming scheduled phone calls with a request of certain info or a confirmation of certain info. E.g. you can automatically initiate a call when a new order with shipment requirement is submitted in order to confirm shipment details. In case you're an owner of an internet-catalogue you can initiate a call e.g. once a month to the members of your catalogue in order to confirm that their sites still exist with the same domain names, so to confirm their membership.

You can use VoIP telephone verification as a perfect marketing tool. For example you can supply your Clients with information concerning some changes in their maintenance by phone or automatically play them greeting messages on specific dates.

To sum it up, I'm to say that there is a great variety of variants on how VoIP telephone verification can be used in internet space. You can offer another ways according to your e-business. It gives great opportunities to communicate with your Clients without being bounded by electronic means (email, ICQ).

Alexa Foster is a specialist in web development and internet marketing. Visit - Blog37770
Becka Blog80028

Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships Eroding Parent-Teacher Trust

How does this keep happening? Last Monday (June 25), ABC's Good Morning America (along with every media outlet in the US) reported another case of a trusted teacher hitting on a student! This time it's a male teacher involved in an inappropriate relationship with a female student. What's happening to the parent/teacher trust factor? Let's be honestit's evaporating faster than you can say, "crazy teachers and sexual misconduct."

I mean, I know it's a youth worshiping country, but this is getting ridiculous. According to every TV and radio station in the US, long time track coach Brenton Wuchae first started paying special attention to his then 14 year old student, Windy Hagar, a few years ago. He started giving her special attention and rides home from practice, which progressed into heavy texting, and eventually into full blown "love". What was a gaw-gaw couple in love to do? Head to the altar and tie the knot, of course!

There was only one thing standing in their way - - the law. Without the consent of Windy's parents, ole Brent would have been committing statutory rape if he had tried to whisk his 16 year old love away and wed secretly. Parents can't control everything, but until daughters are 18, they hold some pretty potent cards. Being armed with this power, what parent wouldn't choose to employ this restraint and give their starry eyed teenager a chance to get her head on straight?

The Hagars apparently! For some mysterious reason, Windy's mom and dad actually signed a parental consent form, and their sweet 16-year-old daughter became the wife of this 40 year old man. Windy's father, Dennis, said they were exhausted, that they had to "move on" because "it was going to kill us all."

They obviously had reasons that are very personal. I don't know all the dynamics involved in this family, but I'll tell you thisI don't get it. I admit I am wrong to judge from a distance. Perhaps they were indulging parents who just never learned to dominate their own emotions so they could say, "no". But let's put parents aside for a minute.

What concerns me more is that these cases cases of teachers involved in inappropriate romantic (and let's be honest sexual) relationships with their underage students are not diminishing. What's being done by state legislatures and school boards to reverse (or at least mitigate) the situation? Why aren't prospective teachers given a battery of "personality" tests before being offered their first 12 month contract?

Heck, you can't even get a good sales job without being subjected to the 4-5 hour Myers-Briggs Test. New sales candidates are told to relax, be yourself and answer honestly. After all, There are no "wrong answers" they say. Yeah...RIGHT! Of course there are wrong answers! If this weren't so, they'd require you to take the test AFTER they hire you! But I understand companies are trying to weed out timid, overly sensitive souls from their candidate base. For sales positions, they want driven people with the killer instinct. And why not they want results!

Don't you think it's about time these genius "personality profiling" companies came up with some type of "test" to weed out new teachers who are a little off-balance before they begin their teaching careers?

When Linda Felton Steinbaum approached me about producing her new play, Mustang Sally, I was excited because the subject is so topical. But its even more prevalent than I thought. Almost daily another case is in the news. Like dirty laundry, a long list of these cases with details about the age disparities is listed on the play's website; cases such as Lakina Stutts, Deana Bobo, Mary Kay Letourneau, Bethany Sherrill, Kelly Lynn Dalecki, Sherry Brians, Pamela Turner, Susan Eble, Tara Lynn Crisp, Laura Lynn Findlay, Carol Flannigan, Moan Marie Sladky, and let's not forget infamous Debra LaFave.. And these are only a few of the female offenders! I heard a rumor that the schools in Simi Valley California had three cases of female teachers and sexual misconduct with their students (that were successfully swept under the rug) LAST YEAR alone!

See the full ABC Good Morning America story of Mon, June 25, 2007, Anguished Parents Sign Consent Forms, Saying They Had No Choice at

Is it just me, or does anybody else find this disturbing?

Tish was an Art teacher at Newmark Junior High in the North Kansas City School District before moving to Los Angeles. She has since had principal acting roles in over 30 SAG and AFTRA productions and more than 35 stage productions. She has written several plays (one, YARD SALE, received 6 Drama-Logue Awards), 4 screenplays, several one-acts and 6 comedy episodes for a cable show. She has directed 5 plays (including Linda F Steinbaum's FAT CHANCE in 2006) and countless one-acts, as well as serving as producer for many of the projects listed.Andria Blog11398
Ashien Blog34998

Countries Where Quality Marble Tiles Are Affordable

marble tiles are not the cheapest construction materials in the world, and rightfully so, since these materials have certain unique advantages and effects that cannot be duplicated by any other natural stone, or other construction material, for that matter.

marble tiles have the ability to improve the aesthetic value of whatever room it is placed in, from your kitchen to your bathroom. It can come in a variety of colors, shapes and vein designs, giving you a myriad of choices that will help make it fit into your homes overall design. It creates a visual impact that can enhance a rooms overall design and beauty, but still maintains its functionality and effectiveness for whatever purpose it is used for. marble tiles can be very durable, and with its hypoallergenic characteristics which help prevent bacteria and germs from surviving on its surface, it is also a great material to use with safety and cleanliness in mind.

The natural stone marble can come from a number of countries, most of which has a massive marble deposit which they quarry and sell in large blocks, exporting them to other countries which in turn supplies the finishing operations on the marble blocks, turning them into the marble products that we have today, such as tiles, slabs and other forms of marble products. Since these marble blocks actually originated from other countries, the marble tile products that we are purchasing can actually cost us a whole lot less if only we are able to purchase them from the countries wherein said marble tiles have originated from, although some factories in these countries may agree to sell the quality marble tiles to you for an affordable price if you buy them in bulk. Nonetheless, certain countries have the luxury of selling these marble products for a whole lot less since they have the raw material in abundance.

One country where you can get quality marble tiles for an affordable price is from China, which is where some of the marble blocks that we use for our marble products came from. Some of the factories in China actually have their own quarries and state of the art equipment that are necessary for extracting the natural stone from the ground, which is why a lot of the finished imported marble products that we have today have actually been manufactured in this country. Since these factories are able to develop new and improved ways and techniques of effectively and efficiently manufacturing marble products, they have contributed to the lowering of the prices of the finished marble products while still maintaining its quality.

You can also get quality marble products from other countries, such as Mexico, the former Soviet Union, even in Spain, since these countries also have an abundance of the marble deposits. Originally, quality marble tiles originated from Italy only, but that was before when it was the only country which had a massive marble deposit that they were able to quarry in order to produce quality marble blocks which in turn was manufactured into marble products that we have today.

Unless you live near a quarry, all of the marble blocks that we use need to be imported from these countries, but since there is a big improvement in the number of countries that are able to supply other countries with marble blocks, there is now an abundance in marble tile designs and variety based on color, size, shape and design patterns, giving you a chance to find the ones that will best fit into your home.

Vanessa Arellano DoctorBernardine Blog70522
Benedikta Blog78245

Exercise is the Key

They say that you are what you eat but that is only partly true.

To become and stay fit you need to exercise. The amount of exercise you should do is directly related to your fitness aspirations and your lifestyle.

By logging into this exercise site you are showing that you want to explore the various exercise options and hopefully find a fitness regime that will suit your aspirations.

Lets start with the average person who just wants to feel good about themselves and their body.

Age is not of paramount importance. Anybody between 10 and 90 years old can find an exercise program coupled with a healthy diet that will keep their body feeling and looking toned.

The simplest of all and which will suit any age group beginning an exercise program, is walking. The opportunity to walk is not dependant upon your work or where you live but it takes a little thought and some decision making.

Try to take an exercise walk at least twice a week for at least 1-2 miles on top of your work or other daily routine. Do not push yourself too hard to start with but gradually increase the distance and try some power walking as you go along.

It is important not to over exert yourself at any time and although you may start by having aching or stiff muscles by the time you get back after a few days your body will adjust and the feel good effect will start very soon.

If you are unable to leave home perhaps because you have small children to care for or for any other reason, it is well worth considering purchasing an exercise machine to use in the safety and comfort of your home.

An exercise treadmill can tell you the distance you have covered so that you can pace yourself accordingly and set your weekly/monthly targets and many have heart rate monitors, amount of calories burnt, and other useful extras.

If you have the desire to achieve greater exercise goals such as a weight losing regime, muscular development or stamina building it is imperative to have a medical check up and discuss your exercise aims with your Doctor before starting and abide by his advice.

These days most people reading this will have access to a nearby exercise center or gym where they will find a variety of exercise machines and exercise equipment and just as importantly a qualified fitness adviser who will recommend an exercise program to achieve your fitness goals.

If you prefer to work out at home and have the self discipline to keep to a structured exercise program then you should consider acquiring some equipment and set aside a space in your home where it can be located permanently.

Regular running and jogging are basics and cost only the price of a tracksuit and trainers. Simple and inexpensive exercise equipment includes weights of various types, an exercise ball and even exercise videos which will provide ideas and interest if you find some of your own fitness routines are becoming boring.

More sophisticated exercise equipment that can provide specific groups of muscle with a work out to build up mass or can increase cardiovascular fitness to provide better stamina can be found in a fitness center where you will be advised on their use.

Otherwise think about an exercise bike at home for all round general fitness and building leg and arm muscle mass and increasing stamina. Abdominal exercise equipment can give you a six pack and weight lifting exercise machines can give a man those pectorals he's always wanted.

For home use I would advise you to go to a gym or fitness center, have a good look at their exercise equipment and ask questions of their instructors.

Get hold of an exercise equipment review either from a catalogue, magazine article, or on line and then make your decision.

Finally decide on a training schedule, stick to it, increase it as you become fitter but don't over do it, and keep to a healthy diet.

Copyright 2006 Jaks Lloyd

Jaks Lloyd is a former photographic fashion model. She now lives in Spain and indulges her creative talents by writing and building innovative authority websites.Cecile Blog31314
Becki Blog51914

So You Want to Save Some of Your Money

I have always wanted to start a magazine like the one I just found. Even have thought about doing a newsletter with the finds that I come across. This magazine has everything that I would include and a few extras.. The magazine is Arthur Frommer's' Smart Shopping and you can also go to

They have an area in the magazine where people write in about ways to save money, places they've found and other advice. Now one of the letters was saying that there aren't a lot of places online that are easily found and I want to put this letter to its resting place. Here are a few that I frequent; The Frugal Shopper, Frugal Families, and finally FreeLanceByU.

Now with the last one, the lady that owns this site has been features in several articles plus on TV. I have found a lot of great deals like last year I found out that on a particular day IHop was giving away free pancake breakfast. I also found out about a special that was unadvertised that McDonalds had.

Now if you have some sort of medical need and you have an EBay account then look in the section for medical supplies. I am a diabetic and for awhile was on the insulin pump. Supplies can be quite expensive but I found a bunch of them on EBay and saved over 60% of my money. Now if you are selling on EBay then look at or A lot of these stores that sell closeouts are finding their product on these 2 sites.

If you want a great deal on a computer or an accessory then visit They are mainly a wholesale company but sell retail through the site I just gave you. If you resell software on EBay then look at Now if you have an email address then you need to sign up for GoogleAlerts. I have done this on 'saving money', 'frugal living',' Frugal shopping' and a few other terms.

Here's a great money saving tip for any site owner who to get listed on Yahoo without have to pay a few hundred dollars. Get a Yahoo account and on your site have RSS and have your site added to you Yahoo page. This will get Yahoo to crawl your site. This sites main page has a page rank of 4 but yet I never paid for any submission service. I think a lot has to do with the techniques I used to get crawled by the Search engines.. Another way is to do manual submission on the main directory sites. DMOZ is the directory that a lot of the search engines use and you can be listed just by suggesting your site.

Now some things about saving money are just common sense, like tonight my wife was talking about how she has until the end of the month to renew the tags on our Jeep but the DMV requires a legal Birth Certificate. Because she doesn't have this and has waited so long about trying to get one that we now have to pay so much extra for expedited service. Normally we would be looking at a cost of only about $12 but now it's going to cost us about $40 because of the rush. Common sense tells us that we should have either had a copy in a safe place or requested another one several months ago.

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoAdina Blog34267
Cathlene Blog89703

Windows Vista: Secure Or Just Frustrating?

Modern operating systems such as Mac OS X operate under a security model where even administrative users don't get full access to certain features unless they provide an in-place logon before performing any task that might harm the system. This security setup protects users from themselves, and it is something that Microsoft should have added to Windows several years ago.

Here's the good news. In Windows Vista, Microsoft is indeed moving to this kind of security model. The feature is called User Account Protection (UAP) and, as you might expect, it prevents even administrative users from performing potentially dangerous tasks without first providing security credentials. Sounds good, right? Before you agree, remember this is Microsoft were talking about. They made a royal mess of UAP.

The bad news, then, is that UAP is a sad, sad joke. It's the most annoying feature that Microsoft has ever added to any software product, and yes, that includes that ridiculous paperclip character from older Office versions. The problem with UAP is that it generates an unbelievable number of warning pop-ups for even the simplest of tasks. The frequency with which these warnings pop-up for the same action would be comical if it weren't so amazingly frustrating. One could almost laugh thinking of the millions of people rushing into computers stores to purchase a new PC preloaded with Vista, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into. Its almost criminal in its insidiousness.

To fully appreciate just how frustrating Vistas implementation of UAP truly is, well look at a simple example. One of the first things I do whenever I install a new Windows version is download and install Mozilla Firefox. Overlooking, for a moment, the number of warnings during the download/install process still leaves us with one glaring issue. Once Firefox is installed, there are two icons on my Desktop I'd like to remove: The Setup application itself and a shortcut to Firefox. I simply select both icons and drag them to the Recycle Bin. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. Here's what you have to go through to actually delete those files in Windows Vista. First, you get a File Access Denied dialog explaining that you don't, in fact, have permission to delete a ... shortcut?? To an application you just installed! Seriously? OK, fine. You can click a Continue button to "complete this operation." But that doesn't complete anything. It just clears the desktop for the next dialog, which is a Windows Security window. Here, you need to give your permission to continue something opaquely called a "File Operation." Click Allow, and you're done. Hey, that's not too bad, right? What's the big deal?

What if you're doing something a bit more complicated? Well, lucky you, the dialogs stack right up, one after the other, in a seemingly never-ending display of stupidity. Indeed, sometimes you'll find yourself unable to do certain things for no good reason, and you click Allow buttons until you're blue in the face. It will never stop bothering you, until you agree to give up and leave that file on the desktop where it belongs. This will happen to you, and you will hate it.

The problem with Vistas security implementation is that lots of warning dialog boxes don't provide security. Users get frustrated and eventually stop reading them altogether. They think of them as annoyances, an extra click required to get a feature to work. Is Windows Vista really more secure than the operating systems that preceded it, or simply more frustrating? Since Microsoft left us with no choice but to buy a PC with Vista pre-installed, were inevitably stuck with it. Let the frustration begin.

Christopher Goebel served in the United States Navy for four years during which he built a substantial I.T. knowledge base. He currently maintains a blog dedicated to Windows Vista security and virus protection found at or accessed from the link here.Alfi Blog22923
Carroll Blog29095

Backup Data On Your Laptop

If you were to look at past statistics regarding the information that has been lost in regards to laptop computers, you would find yourself amazed. Even though this information can be astounding, many of us still dont take the time to back up the information on our laptops.

To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is fool proof. Hard drives can crash, the laptop can get stolen, or it can even be dropped and rendered useless. To ensure that we are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.

There is no mistaken the fact that over a million laptops have been stolen over the years in the United States alone. Anytime a laptop is stolen, chances are that it wont be recovered. If the information wasnt backed up, then the owner will be left with no laptop - but more importantly - no backed up data either.

Just like you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, back it up remotely, or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all of your data. Preserving your data is something you should really look into, especially if you have business material on your laptop.

The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 MB (Mega Bytes) of data, which means a lot of files. To back things up this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner in your laptop, which most of the newer ones come with.

The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they dont offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have a lot more power, and they can also do things (including backups) in a fraction of the time.

The laptop computer was designed for on the go use, which is the main reason why people dont really think about backing up their data. When the thought finally does come to mind, it is normally too late to do anything about it.

As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to backup your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your connection to the Internet, it can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours. Although it may take you a little bit of time, youll have the satisfaction in knowing that your data is there if something should happen.

Whether its for your business or personal use, you cant go wrong backing up your data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more than that if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog7074
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